Leader in slavery in accounting
Some time ago, in an interview with one of the most educated accountants in Moscow,…

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private jet rental cost uk
8 mistakes on the road to wealth
You must understand that money not only never sleeps - they know neither fatigue nor…


We increase the company's revenue. The first step of financial planning
Money is, as was rightly noted, “a subject around which unbelievable passions flare up”! Maybe…

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Business on services of handymen
The essence of the company's business can be represented as follows: Customers - they need…

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most important task

How to raise capital for your startup

Entrepreneurship always involves taking considered risks, this is most obvious at the very beginning, when you are at the startup stage. By itself, entrepreneurship does not create a business and even the most inspiring business plan will remain on paper – without financial resources. Continue reading

Ways to reduce costs

Every entrepreneur or business owner is constantly striving to increase profits and reduce costs when doing business. And in a difficult economic situation it is more than reasonable to constantly monitor these indicators.

There are a number of ways to reduce production costs and increase cash flow, which in general, qualitatively affects the overall state of affairs in business. Continue reading

Finance and their romances
Did you, as the owner (or owner) of a business, suddenly find out that “by…


How to open a charitable foundation
Charitable Foundation (BF) is an NPO, that is, a non-profit organization that is created to…
