7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?
Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams…

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5 proven ways to increase company revenue
5 ways to increase company profits There are a great many ways to raise company…


Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business
Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store…

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Business in the cultivation of vegetables, is it possible to get rich?
Today, it turns out, it is really possible to reach heights in the produce business.…

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but also for a successful

Break even

Crisis for business
Talking even with very advanced businessmen, do not tell them that a company with a professionally built structure is able to work so autonomously that the manager does not have any objective excuses for falling statistics. They will not understand you, as they are accustomed to excuses from others, and some of them themselves believed in these excuses. And touching on this topic, you can cause an emotional outburst on the topic “I am a victim of circumstances.” Continue reading

We increase the company’s revenue. The first step of financial planning

Money is, as was rightly noted, “a subject around which unbelievable passions flare up”! Maybe that’s why we like so much to share them, spend, even dream about how we will spend them!

But, unfortunately, it is not always after these expenses and adventures of the company or even certain people that “remain alive” – in terms of solvency and / or solvency. Is it possible to have enough money or more than enough to spend it and at the same time avoid trouble when dealing with it? Continue reading

Perspective business areas

By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to direct the feet to the aspiring beginner businessman. Also, information on new areas of business can be useful to an investor who is lazy (or reluctantly) invests money in promising areas of small business – from the production of ravioli to real estate.

So where is the treasure buried? Continue reading

Why don't we grow? Favorite problem of small business.
Small organizations are much larger than large ones. Some owners do not set themselves the…


As a businessman to leave the operating system and not engage in micromanagement
The rules of how a businessman to stop doing stupid OSes, and to make a…
