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Be different or die

Over the past few years I have worked with hundreds of enterprises. I communicated with the owners, analyzed marketing weaknesses, helped me work through sales funnels. Almost every business owner sadly tells me about the difficulties of attracting new clients, about the mass of problems with staff, etc. etc.And the common denominator of these problems is very clearly visible – the lack of a “face” among companies. What does it mean? When you meet a person, you recognize him by his appearance, name, manner of dress, this friend has his own character, features of communication. That is, such a person has a number of individual traits that make him different from others. Why, when a businessman creates a company, he does not endow it with individual traits. Sometimes it comes to an absurdity – one of my clients did not even have a name. It was a vague name of the site and all. And when I pointed out to this minus, he asked me: “Do you think that I need to somehow name my project?” This is amazing. What makes your business unique and recognizable is what we call branding.

A brand or brand (English brand, [brænd] – brand) is a complex of ideas, associations, emotions, value characteristics about a product or service in the mind of a consumer. The mental shell of a product or service. Brand is an abstract name. The physical components (carriers) of the brand are the whole complex of corporate identity elements: brand name (word, phrase), logo with the principles of its construction, corporate color palette, original graphics that support the corporate style, a set of phrases, sounds, brand name and so on.

And do not make a common mistake. Do not assume that if you are a small company, then you do not need branding. But if I will be like Yandex, Apple, etc., then there is a sense in it. The fact is that you will not become like them if your business does not have a brand platform.

I have been following the Eat Rustic project for some time now. This is a great project in terms of marketing. Elegantly packed business – a modern logo, a chic website, a well-developed business model, a clearly traceable Big Idea, the company’s mission. And this was done immediately at the start of the project. I will not write much about them. You can see and read the interview with the creator of this project.

Buy a book by Vadim Malchikov “Encyclopedia of building your business”
In this article I can not tell you all the technology of building a brand platform. This is a pretty big question. But at the very least, go over the main points:
The name of your project – it may be worth entrusting it to a naming specialist. Now there are many services for finding specialists who can find interesting names for your project.
A well-made logo (graphic image) is required. This is also a whole art. It is important to do it right away.
Develop the rest of your brand book. The basic elements of the brand book: branded colors, letterhead, business cards, envelopes. There is still a complete package, which includes branded clothing, notebooks, car design and much more, about 35 items. But for now this can be neglected.
Big Idea is a term that defines a strategy for large-scale development and promotion of a project in marketing and advertising. For example, an attempt to popularize a brand, product or idea, creating a strong information wave, expanding and complementing the opinion about the brand that has developed among consumers. Examples:
Brand: Volvo
Big Idea: a sense of security.
Brand: Huggies
Big Idea: second hugs after mum’s.
Brand: TsTK (Central Training Company)
Big idea: Technology achievement goals for managers.

I repeat that there is a whole technology for developing a brand platform:
analysis of the market situation, the target audience (the current state of the brand, if it has already been created);
planning (formulating brand identity, positioning; developing brand management strategy);
building a brand (creating a system of visual and verbal identification; developing a brand image; creating a set of brand documents);
brand promotion (using integrated marketing communications to create strong relationships between consumers and the brand);
brand monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of actions.
But this is a deeper immersion in the subject. I recommend starting with the simpler things described above. It is very important to create for the brand platform as a reference point for your customers. And do not forget that the same reference point is created for the staff. How much cooler to work in a company with a “face” that you are proud of and for which you are ready for feats.

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