We deserve trust or how to properly present your product
To deserve trust means to inform your clients about your products and services and bring…

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Be different or die
Over the past few years I have worked with hundreds of enterprises. I communicated with…


8 mistakes on the road to wealth
You must understand that money not only never sleeps - they know neither fatigue nor…

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How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…

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Here you can open your business

How to raise capital for your startup

Entrepreneurship always involves taking considered risks, this is most obvious at the very beginning, when you are at the startup stage. By itself, entrepreneurship does not create a business and even the most inspiring business plan will remain on paper – without financial resources. Continue reading

How to make money in bankruptcy trading.
The protracted crisis in Russia leads many firms and organizations to collapse, as a result…


Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…
