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How to open a charitable foundation

Charitable Foundation (BF) is an NPO, that is, a non-profit organization that is created to help children, the disabled, and others in need. It can be public and private. Today we will understand how a charitable foundation works, how to create, develop and make it successful.

What is a charitable foundation and how it works
BF works to collect voluntary donations and transfer them to those who need these funds. The foundation pays for its work from its own money, therefore a certain part of all donations goes to pay for further work.

How to open a charitable foundation

A charitable foundation has the right to engage in business as well, but only if it is related to the main goal of the work, and the profit obtained from it goes only to the goals of the foundation itself.

Laws governing the work of BF:
– FZ 135 ‘On charity and volunteering’
– Part 1 of the Civil Code of November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ

Usually a foundation is created through voluntary donations from its members and other sponsors. The property of the fund is transferred to it by the founders as contributions, the objectives are prescribed in the statute, and the main body is the board of trustees.

The principle of the charitable foundation is simple. BF announces the collection of funds to help, for example, homeless victims of floods in one of the regions of the country. At the specified details come the money that goes into a common “vault”. Part of the material assistance remains in the fund for further payment for his work, since he has no other sources of funding. The rest of the money is transferred to the above-mentioned group of the population – that is, to the curators of a public organization located in their region.

Step-by-step plan how to create a charitable foundation
To register your CF, follow the following plan:

Fill out the application for registration form PH0001
You can get a statement in the administration of your city. It will be required to fill it in two parts, and one of them will need to be notarized.

Record the creation of constituent documents, that is, the statute and data on the founders
Three copies of the charter and two copies of the document on the founders will need to be submitted to the authorized management body of the charity funds.

Pay a state fee
Now the duty is just over four thousand rubles. Attach the payment receipt to the remaining documents.

Collect the physical and legal addresses of your foundation.
They will also need to be printed and filed with other papers to the city administration.

Provide a document on the ownership of the premises where the fund will actually be located
According to the law, you have no right to carry out the activities of the fund in a rented premises. Therefore, in an authorized body you will need to confirm that the premises really belongs to you.

After submission of all documents, you need to wait 14 working days before making a decision on the opening of the BF. After this period, you will receive a certificate of registration and a certified charter of your charitable foundation. If your documents do not come up, they can refuse you, without giving a reason, or ask you to collect the missing references.

How to legally open a fundraising fund – legal nuances
The person opening the new BF may be physical or legal.

The fund can be opened in partnership with someone; this is not against the law and sometimes simplifies the procedure for creating a fund. For example, a legal entity may be responsible for financing, and a natural person – for owning the premises where the fund’s office is located.

How to legally open a fundraising fund – legal nuances

To clarify which agency in your city is engaged in charitable initiatives, contact the administration. For the organization of the fund is not required to confirm your income or provide other information.

The foundation strictly reports to the state about all its expenses. But reporting to the sponsors and their members is voluntary. But usually the funds provide free access to their reporting – the more openness in this matter, the more confidence in the charity fund.

Ideas how to open a CF and make it successful
First you need to choose the direction of the fund. For example, you can open a foundation that helps orphans. In this case, the money should be delivered to the houses of babies, shelters and other places where children who have lost their parents are kept.

To choose the right niche for your fund, check out this market. What attracts the attention of benefactors? What funds are considered the most reliable?

After you describe how your foundation will differ from existing ones and what initiatives it is going to support. So you formulate the main idea of ​​the fund.

Ideas how to open a CF and make it successful

Often funds are opened by famous businessmen, actors, sportsmen – alone or in groups of several people. For example, in Russia, the Konstantin Habensky charity foundation is known.

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