One exact action. Lever arm
Man of great effort We appreciate only what we get by great efforts - this…

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Why don't we grow? Favorite problem of small business.
Small organizations are much larger than large ones. Some owners do not set themselves the…


Leader in slavery in accounting
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Break even
Crisis for business Talking even with very advanced businessmen, do not tell them that a…

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Recently, I recalled how I had just started a business … And how funny it is now, having so many seminars, trainings both attended and held personally, to look at those mistakes, those punctures that I made. But where I am more eager to remember the correct and working methods that I used in my business.

Now I understand that I used to intuitively, without knowing it, used some of the tools that work in the most successful companies, and it was these tools that brought success. The point is that for this I, as I thought, needed to invent a bicycle, but life itself pushed me to use the right business tools and methods of work! I just did not strongly resist this 🙂

Using my business as an example, I will show you how a piece of the right technology can work effectively, such as a tool like Financial Planning.

I am 18 years old, I own and, of course, completely manage the cafe. I just opened and for days doing what I can do with all things at the same time: I am a walking, multi-armed, and I do everything 🙂 Of course, there can be no question of planning, God forbid, live with my schedule until the evening (weekends, of course , did not have).

As you have already guessed, with such an approach I occasionally began to face serious problems with expenses, because all the money quickly went to purchase products, additional equipment, implement new ideas, etc. And as soon as the payroll transfer period was approaching the cooks and waiters, but also brought the bill for the rental of the premises, I, so to speak, sank heavily for the money. I really didn’t have enough money to turn around, let alone leave something for myself, what is there! But in the weeks when there were n itself pushed me to use a king and even allow myself extra expenses, so that in a couple of weeks I could again look for money to buy …

Need to change something
Now it sounds to me just funny, but then it was a real problem! But I also tried to postpone a better class on the car than my modest Ford Focus, albeit with a 2-liter engine 🙂 But the trouble is that if I kept and postponed for 2-3 weeks, then my the beloved “period of universal spending – and I would have to regularly empty my golden stash called the Mercedes E-Class or at least the Volkswagen Passat.

So, thank God, my boundless stupidity still was the limit 🙂 Namely – after 4-5 months of such a run in a circle, I finally realized that I had to change something. That’s a brilliant idea, isn’t it? 🙂 So, I realized that I need to do at least two things:

Weekly to summarize all reports – that is, revenue, expenses, etc. – all tamp once a week.

Any BIG, but not weekly spending to smoothly distribute to each week. That is, if once a month you have to pay 160 thousand for rent, you just need to allocate 40 thousand rubles each weekly. and set aside by the end of the month.

In general, I begat these thoughts for myself, and began to apply. And what happened? And it all turned out very, very not bad! I superbly “lined up” weekly and put aside money “in bags” depending on the item of expenditure. And despite how much money was earned during the week, I immediately deposited 40 thousand for rent and did the same with the rest of the “iron” expenses. Thus, I was securing myself from myself as such – namely, in order to “trade in” all funds in “profitable” weeks and come to the moment of large expenditures without reserves. And oh my god, I saw the sight at least not to “rake” at the end of the month!

“I had a great” fit “weekly and put aside money” in bags “depending on the item of expenditure.”

A little later, I even increased my expenses and began to realize that weekly revenue is not enough for my comfortable youth (not to mention old age), and you need to invent something to increase profits. And not just the number of buyers and turnover, namely, profits! And then I came to another ingenious method, namely, working with the mark-up, with the so-called margin. I began to calculate more cost-effective dishes, it is better to promote those products that bring more clean money. And very soon, with the same sales, I began to have 10-15% more net profit!

Financial planning
As I said, now I look at it with great irony. After all, when I came 3 years ago, in fact, quite by chance to the consulting company ATManagement Group, where I have been working with pleasure for the fourth year, and learned so many management tools, I was amazed at how much I had to use in my company, how much time and effort I have lost, and how I struggled with the problems that are simply solved by the introduction of a piece of management technology.

And it turns out that my “ingenious” weekly system of planning and postponing money by “bags” is a small part of the whole system of financial planning and is called funds!

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