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How not to lose the income

Money came, great!
I noticed that I was writing everything about the crisis, and how to raise falling incomes. And I devote more time to these topics than in reality I devote to them in my life, since personally my income grows much more often than it falls. And although it is necessary to take emergency measures sometimes, as soon as incomes grow, immediately it is necessary to very accurately apply formulas to sustain growth. Otherwise, this growth will end in the most planned and often deplorable way.

In my earlier publications, I described the so-called “state formulas” formulated by L. Ron Hubbard. He wrote about the formula that is used in case of danger (a sudden sharp drop in income), repeatedly described the procedure for “emergency” (when there is a slight drop in income or the lack of their growth dynamics). I wrote about the “non-existence” formula, when you just started a business, or your income fell to zero, and you can be said to have ceased to exist as a business unit. And now I want to talk about another formula – the formula of abundance. This is a state where your earnings have shown a sharp rise. When you are not just quietly climbed to a long-planned level, but suddenly felt an unexpected take-off.

For example, your salary fluctuated around a thousand dollars. And suddenly you get an income of five thousand dollars. Sharp increase.

Or your income was a million dollars a week over the last half year. And suddenly – two million dollars a week! Sharp increase.

The formula should be applied instantly, rigidly and peremptorily. Violators of it (regardless of ignorance of the laws) await enormous trouble.

How do “our people” behave when their revenues jumped sharply upwards? What is the first action?

Right! “To celebrate this thing in a big way!”

The Russian soul is wide. There was a lot of money, shouting “Hurray-a-ah”, beat the drums, collect the party. And then (like a real cool) we quickly run for the attributes of the “true cool”. New car on credit! New house in the mortgage! Mistress in new leasing! Now there is a lot of money, life is good. More recessions are not expected, since we have found an underground passage to the country of Limonia!

After a while – grunt! The guy lies with a broken financial ridge on the pavement of broken hopes and thinks: I did something wrong.

State of abundance
Here is what L. Ron Hubbard wrote about Abundance:

“When the line on the statistics graph is steeply rising, this is an ABUNDANCE.

When you have an ABUNDANCE, no matter how you achieve it, the formula of Abundance is applied.

You MUST apply the Abundance State formula – or you will get into trouble. Everyone who deals with Abundance should know the following features of this state.

Abundance is the most capricious state of all. Call him wrong or pass not according to the formula, and it can kill you! This is strangely the most dangerous of all the states, because if you do not recognize it and do not apply the formula, only a wet place will remain from you! Recognize it exactly and pass it correctly – and you will gain cosmic speed.


Save money. The first thing you should do when you are in abundance is to save. You have to take very, very serious care not to buy anything with which any obligations will be associated. Do not buy anything with which any obligations will be connected and do not hire anyone with whom any obligations will be connected – nobody and nothing. All this is part of the economy, keep it under tight control.

How not to lose income

Pay all bills. Collect everywhere all-all accounts that you can only find, taking into account every penny you owe to anyone else and anywhere in the world, and pay off.

The rest is invested in the funds necessary for the provision of services. Create more opportunities to provide services.

Find out what caused the state of Abundance, and reinforce it. ”End of quote.

This is the formula of abundance.

Recently, a good friend of mine calls me from another city, and happily reports that after applying my anti-crisis advice, he has Abundance! Therefore, he makes the formula of Plenty! I, sincerely happy for my friend, ask him, how exactly does he make the formula? He replies: “I paid off all debts !!! Finally!!! And I still have money, so I started building a house for myself! ”

Further dialogue:

-Stop! Have you already paid for the construction?

-Not yet.

-Thank God. Can you stop it if you wish?

-In principle, yes … And what, am I doing something wrong?

-And how does the third step of the formula sound?

-No, well, I need a house …

-You will now build a half-house, and then you will sit down again in a hole. Listen to my command. Completely close the housework project. Take all the money and buy all the necessary equipment for your production, which you lack.

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