business does not have
How to open a charitable foundation
Charitable Foundation (BF) is an NPO, that is, a non-profit organization that is created to help children, the disabled, and others in need. It can be public and private. Today we will understand how a charitable foundation works, how to create, develop and make it successful.
What is a charitable foundation and how it works
BF works to collect voluntary donations and transfer them to those who need these funds. The foundation pays for its work from its own money, therefore a certain part of all donations goes to pay for further work. Continue reading
Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very well (even sometimes, too well). Some do not know about their condition, and this is not as rare as we would like. So I want to talk about the very basis of solvency.
Being solvent is easy. But, let’s order. Continue reading
How not to lose the income
Money came, great!
I noticed that I was writing everything about the crisis, and how to raise falling incomes. And I devote more time to these topics than in reality I devote to them in my life, since personally my income grows much more often than it falls. And although it is necessary to take emergency measures sometimes, as soon as incomes grow, immediately it is necessary to very accurately apply formulas to sustain growth. Otherwise, this growth will end in the most planned and often deplorable way. Continue reading