Business in the cultivation of vegetables, is it possible to get rich?
Today, it turns out, it is really possible to reach heights in the produce business. But first you need to learn from the professionals. In particular, I remember the master classes of the IX International Conference “Fruits and Vegetables of Ukraine 2012”, held in the framework of the exhibition “Fresh Produce Ukraine 2012”, organized by the project “APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits” (Ukraine, Russia), LLC “Company” Dreams “(Ukraine), WTO Exhibitions BV (Holland). More than 200 delegates from 18 countries of the world took part in the “exam for professionals”, as the event was presented by its initiators. The exhibition was sponsored by the Chilean Fruit Association, while the conference was the Phytomag Company. Andrei Yarmak, the author of the project “APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits”, already intrigued by the title of his report: “The philosophy of fruit and vegetable production: world experience and Ukrainian ways. Is it possible to become an oligarch? “” My experience with investors has shown that most of them cannot get a clear answer to the question: “Why? “- With this turn began Andrew. “And they will not see the reasons for investing if there is no concrete answer.” Further, A. Yarmak dwelled on the specifics of the produce business, the degree of risk, the role of the scale of areas, success factors, the nuances of the range … Family or “collective farm”? Some persistently argues that for Ukraine only “on the collective farm is happiness,” advocating large-scale production. And as the study by Andrei Yarmak shows, it is precisely small households of the family type that are successful in the world. “Abroad, they measure the degree of efficiency, quality, and we have thousands of hectares,” the author said figuratively. Where does anyone invest? According to the speaker, domestic investments in fruit and vegetable production are flourishing in civilized countries. Therefore, earned in the same industry, as a rule, family funds invested in the development of the same production. The money that is invested in the agriculture of Ukraine cannot be called intellectual, as it comes from the alcohol, oil and gas, and construction industries. “It seems to be nothing bad, because they remain money,” the expert continues, “but they do not carry with them any relevant professional experience or semantic load. Accordingly, such “from everywhere” has a negative effect on efficiency. ” Specialization. All at once or one thing? There are many wealthy companies in the world who have become rich in a certain culture. For example, in vegetable production – on garlic or onions, and in gardening – on winter apples. And on no other side can you entice them. They do not want to hear either about melons or cabbage. Although others “found themselves” in bahche or corn. “Such a phenomenon, when everyone grows up one thing, understanding all that, is called a specialization,” explains A. Yarmak. – Diversification is the opposite, when one farmer or large enterprise takes on everything, everything, everything. Sometimes not knowing what they eat. It seems to be the right approach: did not give birth to potatoes – peas were born. But why was it spent on potatoes? “The field in Ukraine is the owner in space … It’s almost no joke.” But close to the truth. According to Andriy Yarmak, few of those who work in large Ukrainian fields know and see their own, figuratively speaking, Marquis Carabas. Since the real owner of the holding does not bother to partnership with those who work for him. Whence such a concept in hired workers as detachment from the results of labor. In civilized countries, the owner can almost always be found on their fields. As a rule, he knows all his employees well, even seasonal ones. Attention, respect for people effectively affect their work, because all workers then feel like family members. Locality of the fruit business “Unlike international companies specializing in“ cola ”(drink — author) or cereals, each region has its own“ crown ”vegetable or fruit. So, every small or large farmer can grow his own strawberries, garlic, apples, which his consumers will be looking for. Everyone has a chance. The main thing is not to be afraid of what the international giants will force out, ”the market expert assured. Risks and negatives “Sharp price fluctuations. The problem with lending and attracting investments, because potential investors first of all pay attention, oddly enough, to those who need tens of millions. Observing the variability and unpredictability of prices, they are difficult to convince that cabbage or peaches will bring mountains of gold, – says Andrey Yarmak. – Here is the most profitable – with a systematic professional approach. And you can often do it yourself. ”