What is a grant and how can an entrepreneur get a grant for business development
A grant is a sum of money for the performance of work or the production…

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Ways to reduce costs
Every entrepreneur or business owner is constantly striving to increase profits and reduce costs when…


Business on services of handymen
The essence of the company's business can be represented as follows: Customers - they need…

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Effective financial solutions
As a rule, in the field of finance, key decisions are made by the founders.…

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fact that ultimately it is the market

Effective financial solutions

As a rule, in the field of finance, key decisions are made by the founders. Here each of them believes that he knows how to dispose of money and does not make mistakes. Nevertheless, when you ask them: “in which queue do you pay money to yourself?”, The answer almost always sounds: “at the last.” First, everything is for business, everything is for development, and only then … The main misunderstanding of the structure of financial planning lies in this answer! Continue reading

Be different or die

Over the past few years I have worked with hundreds of enterprises. I communicated with the owners, analyzed marketing weaknesses, helped me work through sales funnels. Almost every business owner sadly tells me about the difficulties of attracting new clients, about the mass of problems with staff, etc. etc. Continue reading

How to be confident in the existence of a market for your business idea

Do you have a great business idea to create a completely new product or service? Moreover, you have no doubt that this is exactly what people need today? And what if you are still mistaken?

Having accurate and reliable information about what your potential customers actually want to purchase will not only save you from unnecessary large cash costs, but also help to maintain peace of mind and give you more working enthusiasm. Continue reading

Great ideas for business
Who can deny that Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates had great…


5 proven ways to increase company revenue
5 ways to increase company profits There are a great many ways to raise company…
