How to get a subsidy for the development of small business and whether to qualify for money from the state
If you are seriously interested in entrepreneurship and want to start your own business, you…

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How not to lose the income
Money came, great! I noticed that I was writing everything about the crisis, and how…


Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very…

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Business in the cultivation of vegetables, is it possible to get rich?
Today, it turns out, it is really possible to reach heights in the produce business.…

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usually given very hard

How to come to the idea of a startup.

To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things: unattractiveness and unpleasant tasks.

Most programmers, in order to start their own business, would just like to write a brilliant unique program code, push it to the server and receive big money from users. Continue reading

As a businessman to leave the operating system and not engage in micromanagement
The rules of how a businessman to stop doing stupid OSes, and to make a…


The best system of staff remuneration
In this article I want to talk about the best of my known wage systems.…
