Business on services of handymen
The essence of the company's business can be represented as follows: Customers - they need…

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Why don't we grow? Favorite problem of small business.
Small organizations are much larger than large ones. Some owners do not set themselves the…


Finance and their romances
Did you, as the owner (or owner) of a business, suddenly find out that “by…

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Business on services of handymen
The essence of the company's business can be represented as follows: Customers - they need…

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difficulty will also be the search

Perspective business areas

By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to direct the feet to the aspiring beginner businessman. Also, information on new areas of business can be useful to an investor who is lazy (or reluctantly) invests money in promising areas of small business – from the production of ravioli to real estate.

So where is the treasure buried? Continue reading

How to come to the idea of a startup.

To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things: unattractiveness and unpleasant tasks.

Most programmers, in order to start their own business, would just like to write a brilliant unique program code, push it to the server and receive big money from users. Continue reading

Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very…


Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very…
