Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…

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Business on services of handymen
The essence of the company's business can be represented as follows: Customers - they need…


How to pay off debts
Financial Management Technology I am familiar with this topic too well. Closer than I would…

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We deserve trust or how to properly present your product
To deserve trust means to inform your clients about your products and services and bring…

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but also to keep

Why don’t we grow? Favorite problem of small business.

Small organizations are much larger than large ones. Some owners do not set themselves the goal of “expanding activities.” And that is their business. But today I want to talk about those who understand that expansion is inevitable. But for one reason or another, the enterprise does not expand, or even decreases. Continue reading

How to raise capital for your startup

Entrepreneurship always involves taking considered risks, this is most obvious at the very beginning, when you are at the startup stage. By itself, entrepreneurship does not create a business and even the most inspiring business plan will remain on paper – without financial resources. Continue reading

What documents are needed to open a clothing store
Before opening a clothing store, in addition to questions about the location of the store,…


Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business
Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store…
