What business will make a profit?
First of all, it should be emphasized that if you want to work only for…

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5 proven ways to increase company revenue
5 ways to increase company profits There are a great many ways to raise company…


Break even
Crisis for business Talking even with very advanced businessmen, do not tell them that a…

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How to pay off debts
Financial Management Technology I am familiar with this topic too well. Closer than I would…

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but also to keep

We increase the company’s revenue. The first step of financial planning

Money is, as was rightly noted, “a subject around which unbelievable passions flare up”! Maybe that’s why we like so much to share them, spend, even dream about how we will spend them!

But, unfortunately, it is not always after these expenses and adventures of the company or even certain people that “remain alive” – in terms of solvency and / or solvency. Is it possible to have enough money or more than enough to spend it and at the same time avoid trouble when dealing with it? Continue reading

Effective financial solutions

As a rule, in the field of finance, key decisions are made by the founders. Here each of them believes that he knows how to dispose of money and does not make mistakes. Nevertheless, when you ask them: “in which queue do you pay money to yourself?”, The answer almost always sounds: “at the last.” First, everything is for business, everything is for development, and only then … The main misunderstanding of the structure of financial planning lies in this answer! Continue reading

8 mistakes on the road to wealth

You must understand that money not only never sleeps – they know neither fatigue nor holidays. Money requires attention and is always attracted to those and committed to someone who has dedicated himself to them and respects them.

Although most people say they want more money and want to achieve financial success, most people never really reach it. Why? The reason is simple. We make mistakes in handling money. Continue reading

Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very…


How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…
