7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?
Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams…

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How to be confident in the existence of a market for your business idea
Do you have a great business idea to create a completely new product or service?…


We deserve trust or how to properly present your product
To deserve trust means to inform your clients about your products and services and bring…

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How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…

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everyone else does

How to open a charitable foundation
Charitable Foundation (BF) is an NPO, that is, a non-profit organization that is created to…


We increase the company's revenue. The first step of financial planning
Money is, as was rightly noted, “a subject around which unbelievable passions flare up”! Maybe…
