Perspective business areas
By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to…

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What if the tax inspector knocked on the door?
The task of the FTS is most likely to determine the malicious tax defaulter. How…


What documents are needed to open a clothing store
Before opening a clothing store, in addition to questions about the location of the store,…

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7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?
Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams…

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Perspective business areas

By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to direct the feet to the aspiring beginner businessman. Also, information on new areas of business can be useful to an investor who is lazy (or reluctantly) invests money in promising areas of small business – from the production of ravioli to real estate.

So where is the treasure buried? Continue reading

5 proven ways to increase company revenue

5 ways to increase company profits
There are a great many ways to raise company revenue.

Go to the Internet, browse through any business magazine, turn on the TV on the RBC channel and see for yourself.
Successful entrepreneurs, business consultants and financial “gurus” hand out tips to increase business profitability left and right … Continue reading

7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?

Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams of big business remain empty dreams? We have been observing entrepreneurs for many years and counted seven system errors that restrain business growth.

Making work on bugs.

Error 1. The mess in the money and the problem with legality
One of the reasons why your business is not growing is fear. Continue reading

Leader in slavery in accounting
Some time ago, in an interview with one of the most educated accountants in Moscow,…


What business will make a profit?
First of all, it should be emphasized that if you want to work only for…
