How to get a subsidy for the development of small business and whether to qualify for money from the state
If you are seriously interested in entrepreneurship and want to start your own business, you…

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Leader in slavery in accounting
Some time ago, in an interview with one of the most educated accountants in Moscow,…


Perspective business areas
By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to…

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How to pay off debts
Financial Management Technology I am familiar with this topic too well. Closer than I would…

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with large numbers

7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?

Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams of big business remain empty dreams? We have been observing entrepreneurs for many years and counted seven system errors that restrain business growth.

Making work on bugs.

Error 1. The mess in the money and the problem with legality
One of the reasons why your business is not growing is fear. Continue reading

7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?
Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams…


How to make money in bankruptcy trading.
The protracted crisis in Russia leads many firms and organizations to collapse, as a result…
