but they noticed
Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business
Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store of household chemicals – a profitable activity. There are many factors that make this area attractive.The presence of a large number of small and medium retailers who are ready to buy household chemicals in bulk.
The rapid growth in the number of clearing companies that need to constantly purchase cleaning and detergents in large quantities.
It does not require the implementation of various standards SanPinNadzor (which can not be said about the food industry). Continue reading
How to pay off debts
Financial Management Technology
I am familiar with this topic too well. Closer than I would like. Fortunately, I got acquainted with the technology in time, which I set out below, so now I not only have no debts, but I can be considered a fairly wealthy person. Continue reading
Recently, I recalled how I had just started a business … And how funny it is now, having so many seminars, trainings both attended and held personally, to look at those mistakes, those punctures that I made. But where I am more eager to remember the correct and working methods that I used in my business. Continue reading