Currency fever
Fever - an excited state, fussy, restless activity, excessive haste. Exchange fever, gold rush (excitement,…

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Recently, I recalled how I had just started a business ... And how funny it…


How to protect a businessman from parasites and fraudsters
Times like that. Vague, heavy. Everyone wants your money. No offense. People can understand. It…

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What is a grant and how can an entrepreneur get a grant for business development
A grant is a sum of money for the performance of work or the production…

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territorial department

What documents are needed to open a clothing store

Before opening a clothing store, in addition to questions about the location of the store, its range and advertising, entrepreneurs have a question: what documents are necessary to ensure the legitimate business operation?

The list of basic documents for a clothing store may vary slightly, depending on the type of shopping facility. For example, you trade in a stationary building, or you are engaged in mobile (distribution) trade. For the first option, the list of documents is slightly higher, rather than for the second. Continue reading

Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business
Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store…


What does a business work for and where is the main limitation of profit in retail?
Before we talk about what needs to be done to better manage retail inventory, let's…
