What is a grant and how can an entrepreneur get a grant for business development
A grant is a sum of money for the performance of work or the production…

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Business in the cultivation of vegetables, is it possible to get rich?
Today, it turns out, it is really possible to reach heights in the produce business.…


How to be confident in the existence of a market for your business idea
Do you have a great business idea to create a completely new product or service?…

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Targeting against context. What to choose in pursuit of sales?
Targeted advertising in the social network, it would seem, what could be more effective? Everybody…

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quite difficult to find

How to make money in bankruptcy trading.

The protracted crisis in Russia leads many firms and organizations to collapse, as a result of which their property is put up for auction. But on the other hand, bidding is a good earning opportunity for individuals who view bankruptcy auctions as a business.

Property at auction is beneficial to buy for many reasons. First of all, you can buy real estate, cars, household appliances, furniture for almost nothing. A big plus is that the purchase is usually done fairly quickly. Continue reading

How to raise capital for your startup
Entrepreneurship always involves taking considered risks, this is most obvious at the very beginning, when…


Leader in slavery in accounting
Some time ago, in an interview with one of the most educated accountants in Moscow,…
