How not to lose the income
Money came, great! I noticed that I was writing everything about the crisis, and how…

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Individual entrepreneurship vs. partnership
Novice entrepreneurs can choose: in partnership with someone or independently create an enterprise for them.…


Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…

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How business becomes like a bicycle
You may have come across a situation where business is conducted in the conditions of…

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increased competition

Break even

Crisis for business
Talking even with very advanced businessmen, do not tell them that a company with a professionally built structure is able to work so autonomously that the manager does not have any objective excuses for falling statistics. They will not understand you, as they are accustomed to excuses from others, and some of them themselves believed in these excuses. And touching on this topic, you can cause an emotional outburst on the topic “I am a victim of circumstances.” Continue reading