What pay salary
Typically, topics are prompted by a “crowd under the windows” crowd of potential and permanent…

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How business becomes like a bicycle
You may have come across a situation where business is conducted in the conditions of…


Marketing in a falling market
The market has fallen many times. The crisis is not a new phenomenon. Every strong…

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Effective financial solutions
As a rule, in the field of finance, key decisions are made by the founders.…

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did anything

How business becomes like a bicycle

You may have come across a situation where business is conducted in the conditions of permanent loans and credits. This is such a bike: while you pedal – you go as soon as you release the pedals – you move by inertia for a while, but then you fall on your side.

I first encountered this situation in a distribution company where I was a director. Then we did not have enough money for the “turnover”. When we began to analyze our expenses, we saw that we spend their lion’s share: a) on the salaries of our employees and b) on the repayment of loans. And it turned out to be a heavy burden, because every month — take it out and put it — we have to pay people salaries, and also interest and a body on the loan. Continue reading

How to get a subsidy for the development of small business and whether to qualify for money from the state
If you are seriously interested in entrepreneurship and want to start your own business, you…


How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…
