What if the tax inspector knocked on the door?
The task of the FTS is most likely to determine the malicious tax defaulter. How it’s done? The main four methods:
I. Mathematical model of the taxpayer. Analyzes the activities of the organization, the cash flow on the current account, the presence of the branch and distribution network, the number of employees, cash transactions, assets of the enterprise, etc. All this allows us to determine the real business income with an accuracy of 5-10% and understand how these figures are differ from those that you indicated in the financial statements. Continue reading
We increase the company’s revenue. The first step of financial planning
Money is, as was rightly noted, “a subject around which unbelievable passions flare up”! Maybe that’s why we like so much to share them, spend, even dream about how we will spend them!
But, unfortunately, it is not always after these expenses and adventures of the company or even certain people that “remain alive” – in terms of solvency and / or solvency. Is it possible to have enough money or more than enough to spend it and at the same time avoid trouble when dealing with it? Continue reading
Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very well (even sometimes, too well). Some do not know about their condition, and this is not as rare as we would like. So I want to talk about the very basis of solvency.
Being solvent is easy. But, let’s order. Continue reading
How not to lose the income
Money came, great!
I noticed that I was writing everything about the crisis, and how to raise falling incomes. And I devote more time to these topics than in reality I devote to them in my life, since personally my income grows much more often than it falls. And although it is necessary to take emergency measures sometimes, as soon as incomes grow, immediately it is necessary to very accurately apply formulas to sustain growth. Otherwise, this growth will end in the most planned and often deplorable way. Continue reading
Recently, I recalled how I had just started a business … And how funny it is now, having so many seminars, trainings both attended and held personally, to look at those mistakes, those punctures that I made. But where I am more eager to remember the correct and working methods that I used in my business. Continue reading