Perspective business areas
By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to…

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8 mistakes on the road to wealth
You must understand that money not only never sleeps - they know neither fatigue nor…


Staff recruitment in the restaurant - chef
The kitchen is considered the heart of any restaurant or cafe. And a chef is…

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Leader in slavery in accounting
Some time ago, in an interview with one of the most educated accountants in Moscow,…

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Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business

Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store of household chemicals – a profitable activity. There are many factors that make this area attractive.The presence of a large number of small and medium retailers who are ready to buy household chemicals in bulk.
The rapid growth in the number of clearing companies that need to constantly purchase cleaning and detergents in large quantities.
It does not require the implementation of various standards SanPinNadzor (which can not be said about the food industry). Continue reading

What documents are needed to open a clothing store

Before opening a clothing store, in addition to questions about the location of the store, its range and advertising, entrepreneurs have a question: what documents are necessary to ensure the legitimate business operation?

The list of basic documents for a clothing store may vary slightly, depending on the type of shopping facility. For example, you trade in a stationary building, or you are engaged in mobile (distribution) trade. For the first option, the list of documents is slightly higher, rather than for the second. Continue reading

Staff recruitment in the restaurant – chef

The kitchen is considered the heart of any restaurant or cafe. And a chef is a person who makes this heart beat faster. In Russia, before the revolution, if high-ranking ladies liked the dish from the chef, he was invited into the hall and applauded vigorously.

But how exactly to hire a brilliant chef for a job, how not to make a mistake when choosing a candidate, what do you need to know in order to find a true professional? After all, in fact, the skill of this magician will be the key to the success of your cafe or restaurant. Continue reading

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Wholesale store of household chemicals, features of business
Household chemicals in the modern world is an integral part of it. A wholesale store…


How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…
