Targeting against context. What to choose in pursuit of sales?
Targeted advertising in the social network, it would seem, what could be more effective? Everybody…

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Ways to reduce costs
Every entrepreneur or business owner is constantly striving to increase profits and reduce costs when…


7 mistakes of the entrepreneur: who is to blame and what to do?
Why do some grow and others not? Why does small business remain small, and dreams…

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How to come to the idea of a startup.
Screening To notice the ideas of a startup, you need to weed out two things:…

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but many people

How to increase employee responsibility

The biggest and oldest problem for entrepreneurs, managers and business owners is irresponsible employees.A typical leader’s day looks like one another, like two drops of water, just like in the movie “Groundhog Day”. Remember, first, the hero of the film, Phil Connors, was incredibly happy with what happened to him – he had fun, ate, drank, smoked, smoked and enjoyed life. Continue reading

Head rude mistakes in low income conditions

Recently, a businessman can easily find an adviser on any issue. Each consultant proves that “his kung fu is the best.”

As a leader, you should be aware that counselors want food too. Their task is not just to help you, but also to make money. Since they have the same commercial enterprise as you do. Of course, every normal consultant tries to help honestly, but with the help of the tools that his company sells. Continue reading

Perspective business areas
By providing services to hundreds of businessmen, I made some observations as to where to…


How to raise capital for your startup
Entrepreneurship always involves taking considered risks, this is most obvious at the very beginning, when…
