account all the factors
Budgeting as a financial planning tool
Many are in a state of insolvency of the enterprise. Some people know this very well (even sometimes, too well). Some do not know about their condition, and this is not as rare as we would like. So I want to talk about the very basis of solvency.
Being solvent is easy. But, let’s order. Continue reading
Currency fever
Fever – an excited state, fussy, restless activity, excessive haste. Exchange fever, gold rush (excitement, arousal associated with the extraction of gold or monetary, foreign exchange transactions).Panic is an extreme irrepressible fear that suddenly covers a person or many people.
It is very easy to catch a wave of fear and panic, but it seems almost impossible to calm it when it has crawled in all directions like a forest fire. What is happening now with the dollar rate, in one way or another, concerns almost everyone, and at first glance, nothing good heralds. Anxiety, loss, frustration, regret that in time did not change rubles for dollars. Continue reading
One exact action. Lever arm
Man of great effort
We appreciate only what we get by great efforts – this is what the Swiss businessman and writer Rolf Dobelli tells in his book “The Territory of Errors”.
To explain this phenomenon, they even invented the term effort justification – the justification of excessive efforts. Continue reading